Joplin Regional Airport

 Daily non-stop flights to CHICAGO and DENVER on UNITED Airlines.

Joplin regional airport


You may check in online or from the app starting 24 hours before your domestic flight. We recommend you arrive to the airport at least 1 hour before your scheduled departure. That will allow plenty of time to check in and clear security.

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Joplin Regional Airport

General Aviation
Corporate Aviation

Joplin regional airport

General Information

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise


The Joplin Regional Airport hereby announces its proposed Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation goal of 1% for Federal Aviation Administration-funded contracts and agreements. The proposed goal pertains to federal fiscal years 2022 through 2024. The proposed goal and its attendant methodology are available for inspection between 8:00am and 2:30pm Monday through Friday at the Joplin Regional Airport administration office located at 7331 N. Hwy 43 Joplin, MO 64801 for 30 days following this publication.

Comments on the DBE goal will be accepted for 30 days from the date of this publication and be sent to the following:

Allison Zahner
Joplin Regional Airport
602 S. Main Street Joplin, MO 64801


Office of Civil Rights  
Federal Transit Administration
901 Locust Street, Room 404
Kansas City, MO 64106 

Airport Administration

JLN is owned and operated by the City of Joplin Staff comprising of the Airport Manager, Airport Secretary, three Airport Police and six Airport ARFF Specialists. Oversight of JLN is the responsibility of the Joplin Regional Airport Board, a seven member body appointed by the Joplin City Council.

Planning, Environment & Zoning

As a good neighbor, the airport views its environmental impact and zoning as a core component of strong corporate citizenship.

The Joplin Regional Airport has prepared a comprehensive Master Plan Update to provide the Joplin Regional Airport with a strategy for the continued development of the Airport. The Master Plan Update initiative is an integral tool to lead JLN's operational efficiency and business effectiveness into the future.

Savings Calculator

See your savings.

Joplin Regional Airport (JLN) Northwest Arkansas (XNA) Springfield-Branson (SGF) Tulsa International Airport (TUL) Kansas City International (MCI)
Parking Cost FREE $42.00 $77.00 $56.00 $52.50
Driving Costs - $63.00 $59.40 $97.65 $153.00
Drive Time - 2:42 hours 2:20 hours 3:20 hours 5:34 hours
Total Savings by Flying Joplin - $105.00 $136.40 $153.65 $205.50


  • Based on 7 day trip, economy parking
  • Northwest Arkansas (XNA): $6 to $8 per day for parking, 140 miles round trip, 2 hours 42 minutes drive time
  • Springfield-Branson (SGF): $11 - $16 per day for parking, 132 miles round trip, 2 hours 20 minutes drive time
  • Tulsa International Airport (TUL): $8 to $12 per day for parking, 217 miles round trip, 3 hours 20 minutes drive time
  • Kansas City International (MCI): $7.50 to 15:50 per day for parking, 340 miles round trip, 5 hours 34 minutes drive time
  • Average driving cost per mile is 45 cents per AAA for fuel + depreciation

Airport Authority


To be a champion for exceptional customer service and economic vitality.

To promote innovation and progress in air transportation in the greater Joplin area.

People | Caring | Excellence | Integrity | Respect | Service | Adaptability